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Monday, September 30, 2013

How Effective Is Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss?

Apple cider vinegar has been in use for weight loss for many centuries. The ancient Egyptians had a theory that enough vinegar in your body would prevent your body from absorbing oils or fats. In those days that theory was cutting edge weight-loss technology.

Some products sold on the market today still ride on this ancient theory. People also think about salad dressing and how the oil and vinegar in the dressing do not mix. They take that as some kind of proof that the vinegar would somehow prevent the oil from turning into fat in your body.

Modern scientific studies have not found any conclusive proof that apple cider vinegar has any substantial effect on weight loss. In a similar vein, apple cider vinegar also does not have a substantial effect on weight gain.

However, there is a way that apple cider vinegar can hamper your weight-loss efforts.

If you take apple cider vinegar with the belief that it enables you to eat whatever you want without gaining weight, then apple cider vinegar will definitely make you "gain weight."

The real problem of apple cider vinegar is not the vinegar itself but the false sense of security that is being sold by many merchants today.

You can find many sites that make promises of how a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar will help your body burn calories 24 hours a day. Even though the apple cider vinegar would not be bad for your body, scientific studies do not support many of these claims.

In its purest form apple cider vinegar would probably not give you any benefits above the normal benefits of fruits.

If you scrutinize the claims made by many apple cider vinegar merchants you will often find them saying that the product alone will not make you lose weight and that you need to combine it with proper exercise and a sensible diet.

Until scientific studies cast new light on it, you can reasonably assume that apple cider vinegar will do very little for your weight-loss efforts.

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Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Heads-Up on Natural Weight Loss Supplements

For most of us, our motivation for weight loss is two-fold - we want to shed the excess fat to be healthier and to boost our self-confidence. We all have an idea of what the perfect body should be and there are a host of diet plans and fitness aids available in the market to help us out. One of the most popular diet tools offered are natural weight loss supplements. With more than a hundred and fifty different brands to choose from, the question is which one would be the most effective?

The common denominator

Natural weight loss supplements have one thing in common: they contain herb extracts in varied amounts. The only difference is the "technology" that produced the pills as per the manufacturer's press release. One thing that you should keep in mind is that being made of natural ingredients doesn't make these products safe. While they may be effective in removing excess body fat, they can also prove to be detrimental to your health.

The key is to look at the labels and verify what these products are made of. Here are a couple of natural ingredients that you should be wary of.

Ephedra sinica and caffeine

In moderate amounts, these two substances may prove to be harmless. But in order to get significant weight loss effects, some diet pills contain large amounts of Ephedra sinica extracts and caffeine which both act as metabolic stimulants. Theirs is a potent combination that is purportedly effective in increasing the body's energy expenditure. However, recent studies show that this combination is also connected to increased risk in cardiovascular and psychiatric disorders.


Licorice works to increase thermogenesis - a process by which the body burns fat. Again, the intake of licorice can cause a significant decrease in a person's body fat index. However, this substance can also cause hypertension and hypokalemia among others.

The bottomline is that proper caution and monitoring should be employed in taking commercialized natural weight loss supplements. It is important to consult your physician before anything else just to make sure that these pills are not causing any harm to your body.

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Effective and Healthy Weight Loss Programs

Have you finally decided to really, truly make the effort to lose all that excess weight but you need help in choosing which among the healthy weight loss programs is perfect for you? Don't worry, it is actually fairly easy to choose an effective yet healthy weight loss program, just consult a nutritionist or a gym instructor to help you figure out the things that you need to do to get fit the healthy way.

Having a healthy diet actually goes hand in hand with engaging in regular exercise. If you are truly committed to losing weight then you definitely need to devote time and effort to do both. Start by having your weight and BMI properly assessed by the nutritionist. These should be proportional to your height and age to ensure that you are in good health however, do not feel discouraged if the results show that you are "obese" or in a bad shape, take this as somewhat of an inspiration to help you finally get onto the right track to becoming healthy.

While the nutritionist is responsible in making sure that you eat the right kind of foods and stick to healthier meal portions, your fitness trainer needs to assess your body's fitness levels to determine which exercises will best suit you. If it has been a long time since you have last exercised, then expect to have to take things slow with your fitness regimen, as your fitness level progresses then the kind of exercises that you are doing will follow. When it comes to healthy yet effective weight loss plans, a balanced approach is always the way to go if you are seeking for positive results.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Colon Cleanse - Does Acai Berry Diet and Colon Cleanse Formula Really Work For Quick Weight Loss?

Acai berry hit the market in the form of general health supplement but its ability to burn fat at a remarkably fast pace turned it into a quick weight loss supplement. Celebrity endorsements and coverage by national channels made it the most sought after weight loss supplement.

As we know that half the population of the US is obese, Acai supplement has become a house hold name because it works remarkably fast without causing any side effects. Not only does this formula help you get rid of love handles but also cures many other lifestyle diseases. A good number of people go for Acai supplement because it improves cardio vascular health, diabetes and immune system.

The quick weight loss formula of this wonder fruit is heavily dependent on colon cleansing component of this program. Colon cleanse supplement works in tandem with the metabolism boosting formula of acai. Unlike other weight loss formula, this two step formula detoxifies your digestive tract and helps you get rid of excess fat. It also ensures that unprocessed fat does not remain deposited in your colon.

Acai supplement is rich in antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, fibers and many other nutrients which speed up your overall metabolism so that your digestive system, immune system and many other functions start working in perfect order.

Some people do not achieve expected results because they do not use a good quality colon cleanser with acai supplement. While their energy level goes up, they do not experience quick weight loss Acai berry is known for. Acai and colon cleanse formula works if you know how to use it.

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Acai Berry - A Fast Weight Loss Supplement That Works

Acai berry is one of the most talked about health supplements these days. Very few people apart from those living in the rainforests of Amazon; have tasted this tiny berry in its freshest form. Because of its highly perishable nature; it is freeze dried immediately after being harvested. Completely unaware of the nutritious properties this wonder fruit; Amazonian tribes consume acai fruit just like any other fruit.

Acai berry supplement has almost become a house hold name in many health conscious families. As obesity is one of the major health issues in the US, acai berry tops the list of most favorite weight loss supplements for obese people. Not only can you reduce weight with Acai supplements but also gain many other health benefits.

However, weight loss remains the most popular reasons of using this supplement. It is the ease of use and quick effect that makes it very popular among celebrities as well as common man. Its anti oxidant rich content is highly effective in replenishing free radical loss. It works as a metabolism booster therefore your natural fat burning process gets a boost. As you start absorbing nutrients from your food very fast; the unused fat is flushed out immediately.

Colon cleansing supplements are often combined with Acai diets because it helps in speeding up the weight loss process and keeping the figure maintained even after you quit the diet plan. If you follow Acai diet plan religiously for a month or so; you will be amazed to see the remarkable difference not only in your weight but also in your overall attitude towards life.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Cori Weight Loss - An Effective Burger

I must say that one should be creative if you are trying to reduce your weight through my burger, what I call cori weight loss item.

If you can eat frozen cori weight loss burgers for a quick and easy meal. It is like a regular hamburger but you could be a bit experimental while making it.

You can make these cori weight loss Berger by purchasing friezed salmon burgers or you can make it by your own. It is your own choice.

I personally do not like the frozen one. And if you are making by yourself, you can use vegetables or you can replace it by your own logical choices.

So note down the required ingredients:

Sliced onion

Sliced long thin pieces of half a red pepper

Sliced long thin pieces of half a yellow pepper

¼ cup of broccoli

Grated Parmesan cheese

Shredded mozzarella

Olive oil

And last but not the least

1 Salmon burger

You can use a small pan to cook the salmon burger and take off the heat and sprinkle some shredded Cheese on top of it. Now cover the pan so that cheese melts on on of it.

In the second part of its preparation, take a second pan and heat some olive oil on medium heat and put some sliced onions, peppers, broccoli and saute. Now add some salts as per your own taste. You can use any other stuff in place of salt if you do not wish to have salt. Here you can mix vegetables and cook for approximately 10 min. Cooking for 10 min. will make your vegetables crunchy.

Serve this with putting cheese and olive oil. Now put your salmon burger and press into your mixture.

This is my stuff which is healthy and easy to make.

Wishing you success,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How Can You Choose The Best Weight Loss Pills?

Many people looking forward to lose weight often rely on weight loss pills. These pills are also commonly known as diet pills. Although pills may be helpful in losing weight, you must be cautious while using them. If you are looking forward to using pills then there are certain factors that you must take into consideration. Once acquainted with these factors, it will not only help you in losing weight but also help you in using the pills safely.

Following are some of the factors that must be taken into consideration:

1) The cost factor is one of the most important factors. There are a number of weight loss pills available in varying rates. Depending on the ingredients used in the weight loss pills, the prices may vary. However, it is better to go for those pills that you can afford. Best is to opt for natural pills as they are reasonably priced and are safe to use.

2) Secondly, consider the manufacturers. A peek into the history of the manufacturer will give you an idea of how effective the pills are. Stay away from manufacturers that have a bad reputation in selling weight loss pills. Understand the fact that the weight loss pills may not always be effective. Therefore, you need to do a small research of the product and its manufacturers. You can even take the opinions of those who have used the product.

3) Finally, the ingredients used in the pills also play an important role in losing weight. Determine whether the ingredients used in the pills are allergic to you or not. Consult a well versed health professional to determine it.

You can easily buy these pills online or offline. However, if you are buying it online then make sure that the retailer is a genuine retailer.

Healthy Weight Loss In Three Weeks

Healthy weight loss in three weeks certainly can be done. Let's examine how you can do it and what you can do in three weeks.

The first important thing to do is to set your expectations in terms of how much weight you can lose in a three week period.

For this you need to think about two things.

Firstly, you need to think about weight loss that you can notice on the dial of the scale and secondly you need to think about weight loss that you can see in the mirror.

Healthy weight loss in three weeks is going to give you some difference that you will notice on the scale, but you are probably not going to notice a big difference in the mirror.

The reason for this is the way your body burns fat.

Your body starts burning fat from around your organs. That is the fat that your body needs the least for protection.

When that store of fat around your organs has been sufficiently depleted, only then does your body turn to the outer layers and burn that fat.

It is a built-in self-preservation mechanism of your body that nobody can change.

To have a healthy weight loss in three weeks, you need to increase your metabolism by eating smaller meals more frequently. This fools your body into thinking that it does not need to store additional fat because it is being fed regularly.

Then, you also need to combine it with moderate exercise.

The optimal fat burning aerobic kind of exercise is at a level where you can carry a normal conversation throughout your exercise.

You can do this by walking for forty minutes, cycling in the gym, or walking or jogging on a treadmill.

Any type of aerobic exercise will kick your body into fat burn mode when you do it for longer than 10 to 12 minutes. Around 40 minutes is a good benchmark.

Trimming down by healthy weight loss in three weeks will leave you with less fat. More importantly, it will give you the routine and determination to see it through to the end where you've lost all the excess weight.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Diet Plan For Women's Weight Loss

Here's how women can seriously lose weight with a diet plan. It is by no means rocket science, or anything even remotely complex. In the end, losing weight is about having the right knowledge (20% of the battle) and implementing that knowledge (80% of the battle).

Diet Plan For Women Weight Loss

1. Copious amounts of fibre.

You need to be including humungous amount of fibre in your daily diet. The average woman needs about 25-30 grams of fibre each day. I read somewhere that the average women only GETS 12 grams of fibre each day. This is obviously a problem.

Fibre will clear out your entire digestive tract of all the junk that get lodged down there. For various reasons, this junk will not come out by itself (this "junk" can weigh up to 3-6 pounds). Fibre will do the clearing job for you.

A cleaner digestive tract means a more efficient digestive system as a whole. In turn, this means less fat storage from your meals.

On a side note, you still need to use common sense. All because your digestive system is running optimally does not mean you will retain ZERO fat storage from your meals. You still need to make proper diet decisions.

2. Increase Meal Frequency

This means exactly what it sounds like! Break your larger meals into 6 smaller meals, and eat them throughout the day. This has been proven over and over again to boost your metabolism, so do it.

Your body needs to be fed every 3-4 hours (with healthy food) in order to maintain optimal nutrient levels. Keep that in mind!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Better Weight Loss Nutrition Means Better Fitness Progress

How you go about handling your weight loss fitness nutrition will greatly affect your weight loss fitness progress. Think of it like this: Losing weight is a bodily process. And what affects bodily processes? The food you eat, your weight loss fitness nutrition. If you are not eating any different from before you started a weight loss program, then, chances are, your weight loss fitness progress won't be so impressive, even though you are engaging in increased regular physical activity. The best way to go is to make sure that the foods you eat supports what your body needs to help itself lose weight in conjunction with physical activity.

Load up on fruits and vegetables

It cannot be stressed enough how important fruits and vegetables are for your weight loss fitness nutrition. Besides helping improve bodily functions by providing you with the essential nutrients that you need everyday, fruits and vegetables also help to cleanse your body of toxins you may have accumulated with not eating properly. With good stuff in and the bad stuff out, your body will function better. The better your body functions, the harder it can get to work in helping you lose weight. Not only for aesthetic purposes, losing weight can achieve for you overall health improvements, helping you to live better in general.

Need help?

If you aren't sure how to go about planning your weight loss fitness nutrition, then it may be best to consult with a registered dietician or nutritionist. With the professional training they have, they can help educate you on what particular foods you have to focus on in order to address your specific weight loss needs. You can also enlist their help in creating a detailed meal plan that you can follow. They may be able to teach you as well on how to properly handle and cook your foods to ensure nutrient retention.

Accelerate Your Weight Loss by Eating Foods That Help You Lose Fat

I am going to share how you can accelerate your weight loss by eating foods that help you lose fat. Not all foods are created equal and there are some foods that can help your body control fat. If you would like to learn how you can speed up your weight loss by simply making different food choices then I would like to invite you to read this article.

Accelerate Your Weight Loss

1. Eat foods with vitamin C. Foods like lemons, grapefruit and oranges have a natural fat burning quality that helps fat break down and get flushed out.

2. Eat foods with pectin. Apples, berries and most fresh fruits contain pectin which cuts down on the amount of fat a body cell can absorb.

3. Eat protein. Protein has a high thermic effect on the body. This means that when you eat protein your body uses a lot of energy and this is a boost to your metabolism. Another benefit of protein is that it stimulates the release of a hormone called glucagon which can reverse the fat storage properties of other hormones.

4. Avoid refined carbohydrates. These quick digesting foods such as white bread, pasta, candy and cookies can create an internal environment in your body that favors fat making because they cause such a dramatic rises in your blood sugar levels.

5. Drink water. When your body is in a state of dehydration your metabolism drops and your ability to burn fat drops. Start each morning with a glass of water and give yourself a glass every couple of hours.

You can accelerate your weight loss by making better food choices.