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Monday, November 11, 2013

How Did Star Jones Lose Weight?

Star Jones has been the cause of a burning question in many peoples' minds, and the question is this - how did Star Jones lose weight?

During the time she was losing the weight and in approximately the year afterward, Star was reticent to talk about how she lost the weight. She was concerned that people would judge her for the decisions that she had made.

In the September 2007 issue of Glamour magazine, she wrote that she was, "scared of what people might think of me. I was afraid to be vulnerable."

Eventually, though, she did let the cat out of the bag. To the surprise of almost no one, Star Jones admitted that it was weight loss surgery that had led to her fast-paced slimdown.

The dramatic weight loss was preceded by a 75 pound weight gain, putting her at over 300 pounds. It was this intense weight gain that put her in a vulnerable enough emotional place for a friend to be able to convince her that she should opt for weight loss surgery.

Once she did, she describes it as being immediately successful. Within just a few months, aided by diet and exercise, she dropped over 100 pounds.

Still she didn't want to talk about it. She famously even hung up on one radio talk show host when he asked her point blank if surgery was the way she had lost the weight. On Larry King Live, she would only go so far as to say that it was a "Medical Intervention" that had assisted her in losing weight. It took Jones almost a full year to work up the courage to admit that weight loss surgery was what she used to achieve the results that she did.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Green Tea Weight Loss Study

Finding the green tea weight loss study can help eliminate your doubt. Everyone needs solid proof that what everyone claims to be effective is really genuine. If you are looking for studies that proved the claims of green tea, then there are a handful of medical and health journals that published those studies that you have been looking for.

To help you with your quest, we can site the University of Maryland Medical Center who published about Green Tea. There is nothing new about their article on the said tea but all are simple verification of what had been discovered several centuries ago.

The publication truthfully affirms and reasserts the health advantages of Green tea including the weight loss benefits. There are also support researches that bear those claims.

There is another online publication called The Journal of Nutrition that also published some studies gathered about Green Tea and the health gains that consumers will bask.

Certainly, there are other researches that we can provide that will show you the evidences and results. However the bottom line is still the same. Below are the three important facts that the different studies conducted arrived at.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Believe it Or Not, There Are Some Weight Loss Programs That Work and Are FUN!

I know working on losing weight is something that most people completely dread even starting on. Most "lose weight quick" programs out there are extremely restrictive on what you can eat, require you to workout and exercise for hours a day, make you every day life a complete nightmare trying to follow, and then when everything's said and done.... THEY DON'T EVEN WORK! Many people purchase these books, videos, CD's, etc. looking to lose weight and better their looks while raising their self esteem only to see no results and less money in their pockets and bank accounts than they had before. Tired from over working themselves on these "proven systems", sickened that they wasted their money, and ready to just give up most forget about losing weight as they're just generally disheartened by the entire experience.

The only thing I can say to these people who are overweight and tired of being so is to simply not give up. Persistence does not know failure, and if you keep looking and trying systems and products that are out there at your fingertips one day you are guaranteed to find the system that works for you. It may even take a combination of a few different systems utilizing the strengths of each to your advantage. At least that was the answer for Jenna, who one year ago weighed over 270 pounds when she made her New Year's Resolution to lose weight for the (seemingly) twentieth time. She found products from respectable companies made by respectable people that were not only helpful, but FUN at the same time. She told me that she now weighs 132 pounds and is still working to lose even more every day. A success story if there ever was one.

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4 Top Fast Fat Burning Foods For Effective Weight Loss

Fat burning foods are those that help our body to burn fat. They not only helps us to lose weight naturally but also increase our metabolism rate for weight loss purposes. These foods help burn the fat that is stored in your body by slightly changing your body's metabolism. They will help you burn more calories than you gain by just eating them.

Top Fast Fat Burning Carb: Oatmeal

Though oatmeal may not be the tastiest food you can eat, oatmeal definitely have lots of nutritional goodness. Oatmeal is is loaded with soluble fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing out bad digestive acids out of your system.

As a form of a high fiber food, oatmeal slowly digests in your body keeping your blood sugar level steady and sustainable energy that lasts all day. It also boosts up your metabolic rate to burn more fat while you sleep and

Top Fast Fat Burning Vegetable: Broccoli

Broccoli is also loaded with fibre and have great estrogen fighting properties. Estrogen helps us to store fat for the next baby. Similar to oatmeal, this high fibre food is hard to breakdown and provides you with sustainable energy throughout the day.

Top Fast Fat Burning Protein: Egg Whites

Egg whites are also the most nutritious part of the egg and are high in protein. Countless studies have shown that eating protein can help you lose fat and build lean muscle tissue. Eggs are not only delicious but also help with muscle building. By building muscles, your metabolism rate will go up and subsequently burn fat even while you're asleep.

Top Fast Fat Burning Fruit: Grapefruit

Grapefruit in the diet regulates insulin levels, helping the body process other foods more effectively and reducing appetite.

Grapefruit can actually jump start weight loss. Scientists discovered that eating half a grapefruit three times a day before each meal helped people lose an additional 3.6 pounds over twelve weeks, without changing their diet in any other way. Grapefruit juice worked, too, but grapefruit extract capsules weren't as effective.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Florida Weight Loss Clinic

Enrolling in a slim-down clinic will provide you a safe and effective way to achieve that ideal body weight. Florida weight loss clinics offer healthy approaches that have been thoroughly tested. These clinics claim to bring you long-term results.

Different approaches

Florida weight loss clinics offer different kinds of facilities, products and services. There are clinics that have specializations, while there are others that offer customized programs. For example, there are clinics that only offer natural treatments. These include aromatherapy, massage, and other therapeutuc approaches. If you have specifc health requirements, you can ask the clinic to create a unique program for you. One should always pick a weight loss service that suit your preferences or you can simply opt for a customized program.

Aside from these, can also go for clinics that integrate these programs into your present lifestyle. For people who want to have a complete lifestyle change, this will prove beneficial. Spas make sure that you are working on your weight-loss objectives. You can also learn weight management from health and firness professionals. After the program, you can apply what you learn in your every day living.

Before enrollment

Before enrolling in any of the Florida weight loss clinics, you must have a clear set of objectives. There should be a careful assessment of specific needs and goals. Also, there are major considerations in choosing a clinic. These include monitoring services which will assess how you are doing in your weight loss program and maintenance support so that you can keep your weight for a long time.

Enrolling in a spa will entail lifestyle changes. There will be apparent changes in diet as well as in exercise. Staying in a weight loss spa will keep you away from unhealthy habits.

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How to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss - It Doesn't Have to Be a Dream

If you're overweight one thing in the world that you want most of all is to lose weight permanently. If you've been on lots of diets before you will know that it is no easy task to lose weight. It is even more difficult to lose weight permanently. However, it is not impossible. It is perfectly possible for you to resign your membership of the serial dieters club and join the ranks of those who have achieved their ultimate goal of permanent weight loss.

How to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss - It Doesn't Have to Be a Dream

Permanent weight loss is not only about losing weight, it is about making fundamental change in your life. The reason why so many diets fail is that they only take you so far. After a period of only a few weeks you're left high and dry with no support or guidance to take you forward. In too many cases the diet regime is one that you can only manage to do for a limited period. What you really need is the ability to have the support and to know what to do after the diet is finished.

Unfortunately, there are very few programs that offer this sort of support. The secret of permanent weight loss is to be able to make successful behaviour change. In other words to recognize the bad habits that have made you fat in the first place, and to learn new habits to take their place. Having done that your task will then be to manage and maintain your weight.

The most important thing to do is to choose the right weight loss program in the first place. The next thing to do is to understand that you as a person have to make fundamental changes in the way you live your life. Your eating habits and your lifestyle habits have to change. If you're not prepared to make that change them permanent weight loss will always be elusive.

It is worth the sacrifice. It is worth the effort. The opportunity for you to lead and enjoy the slim and healthy life is there. The only thing that is going to get in the way of you achieving the success you deserve, is you.

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