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Monday, November 11, 2013

How Did Star Jones Lose Weight?

Star Jones has been the cause of a burning question in many peoples' minds, and the question is this - how did Star Jones lose weight?

During the time she was losing the weight and in approximately the year afterward, Star was reticent to talk about how she lost the weight. She was concerned that people would judge her for the decisions that she had made.

In the September 2007 issue of Glamour magazine, she wrote that she was, "scared of what people might think of me. I was afraid to be vulnerable."

Eventually, though, she did let the cat out of the bag. To the surprise of almost no one, Star Jones admitted that it was weight loss surgery that had led to her fast-paced slimdown.

The dramatic weight loss was preceded by a 75 pound weight gain, putting her at over 300 pounds. It was this intense weight gain that put her in a vulnerable enough emotional place for a friend to be able to convince her that she should opt for weight loss surgery.

Once she did, she describes it as being immediately successful. Within just a few months, aided by diet and exercise, she dropped over 100 pounds.

Still she didn't want to talk about it. She famously even hung up on one radio talk show host when he asked her point blank if surgery was the way she had lost the weight. On Larry King Live, she would only go so far as to say that it was a "Medical Intervention" that had assisted her in losing weight. It took Jones almost a full year to work up the courage to admit that weight loss surgery was what she used to achieve the results that she did.

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