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Monday, November 11, 2013

How Did Star Jones Lose Weight?

Star Jones has been the cause of a burning question in many peoples' minds, and the question is this - how did Star Jones lose weight?

During the time she was losing the weight and in approximately the year afterward, Star was reticent to talk about how she lost the weight. She was concerned that people would judge her for the decisions that she had made.

In the September 2007 issue of Glamour magazine, she wrote that she was, "scared of what people might think of me. I was afraid to be vulnerable."

Eventually, though, she did let the cat out of the bag. To the surprise of almost no one, Star Jones admitted that it was weight loss surgery that had led to her fast-paced slimdown.

The dramatic weight loss was preceded by a 75 pound weight gain, putting her at over 300 pounds. It was this intense weight gain that put her in a vulnerable enough emotional place for a friend to be able to convince her that she should opt for weight loss surgery.

Once she did, she describes it as being immediately successful. Within just a few months, aided by diet and exercise, she dropped over 100 pounds.

Still she didn't want to talk about it. She famously even hung up on one radio talk show host when he asked her point blank if surgery was the way she had lost the weight. On Larry King Live, she would only go so far as to say that it was a "Medical Intervention" that had assisted her in losing weight. It took Jones almost a full year to work up the courage to admit that weight loss surgery was what she used to achieve the results that she did.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Green Tea Weight Loss Study

Finding the green tea weight loss study can help eliminate your doubt. Everyone needs solid proof that what everyone claims to be effective is really genuine. If you are looking for studies that proved the claims of green tea, then there are a handful of medical and health journals that published those studies that you have been looking for.

To help you with your quest, we can site the University of Maryland Medical Center who published about Green Tea. There is nothing new about their article on the said tea but all are simple verification of what had been discovered several centuries ago.

The publication truthfully affirms and reasserts the health advantages of Green tea including the weight loss benefits. There are also support researches that bear those claims.

There is another online publication called The Journal of Nutrition that also published some studies gathered about Green Tea and the health gains that consumers will bask.

Certainly, there are other researches that we can provide that will show you the evidences and results. However the bottom line is still the same. Below are the three important facts that the different studies conducted arrived at.

For More Related Topics Blog: Breastfeeding And Weight Loss

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Believe it Or Not, There Are Some Weight Loss Programs That Work and Are FUN!

I know working on losing weight is something that most people completely dread even starting on. Most "lose weight quick" programs out there are extremely restrictive on what you can eat, require you to workout and exercise for hours a day, make you every day life a complete nightmare trying to follow, and then when everything's said and done.... THEY DON'T EVEN WORK! Many people purchase these books, videos, CD's, etc. looking to lose weight and better their looks while raising their self esteem only to see no results and less money in their pockets and bank accounts than they had before. Tired from over working themselves on these "proven systems", sickened that they wasted their money, and ready to just give up most forget about losing weight as they're just generally disheartened by the entire experience.

The only thing I can say to these people who are overweight and tired of being so is to simply not give up. Persistence does not know failure, and if you keep looking and trying systems and products that are out there at your fingertips one day you are guaranteed to find the system that works for you. It may even take a combination of a few different systems utilizing the strengths of each to your advantage. At least that was the answer for Jenna, who one year ago weighed over 270 pounds when she made her New Year's Resolution to lose weight for the (seemingly) twentieth time. She found products from respectable companies made by respectable people that were not only helpful, but FUN at the same time. She told me that she now weighs 132 pounds and is still working to lose even more every day. A success story if there ever was one.

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Routine For Weight Loss

4 Top Fast Fat Burning Foods For Effective Weight Loss

Fat burning foods are those that help our body to burn fat. They not only helps us to lose weight naturally but also increase our metabolism rate for weight loss purposes. These foods help burn the fat that is stored in your body by slightly changing your body's metabolism. They will help you burn more calories than you gain by just eating them.

Top Fast Fat Burning Carb: Oatmeal

Though oatmeal may not be the tastiest food you can eat, oatmeal definitely have lots of nutritional goodness. Oatmeal is is loaded with soluble fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing out bad digestive acids out of your system.

As a form of a high fiber food, oatmeal slowly digests in your body keeping your blood sugar level steady and sustainable energy that lasts all day. It also boosts up your metabolic rate to burn more fat while you sleep and

Top Fast Fat Burning Vegetable: Broccoli

Broccoli is also loaded with fibre and have great estrogen fighting properties. Estrogen helps us to store fat for the next baby. Similar to oatmeal, this high fibre food is hard to breakdown and provides you with sustainable energy throughout the day.

Top Fast Fat Burning Protein: Egg Whites

Egg whites are also the most nutritious part of the egg and are high in protein. Countless studies have shown that eating protein can help you lose fat and build lean muscle tissue. Eggs are not only delicious but also help with muscle building. By building muscles, your metabolism rate will go up and subsequently burn fat even while you're asleep.

Top Fast Fat Burning Fruit: Grapefruit

Grapefruit in the diet regulates insulin levels, helping the body process other foods more effectively and reducing appetite.

Grapefruit can actually jump start weight loss. Scientists discovered that eating half a grapefruit three times a day before each meal helped people lose an additional 3.6 pounds over twelve weeks, without changing their diet in any other way. Grapefruit juice worked, too, but grapefruit extract capsules weren't as effective.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise And Diet

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Florida Weight Loss Clinic

Enrolling in a slim-down clinic will provide you a safe and effective way to achieve that ideal body weight. Florida weight loss clinics offer healthy approaches that have been thoroughly tested. These clinics claim to bring you long-term results.

Different approaches

Florida weight loss clinics offer different kinds of facilities, products and services. There are clinics that have specializations, while there are others that offer customized programs. For example, there are clinics that only offer natural treatments. These include aromatherapy, massage, and other therapeutuc approaches. If you have specifc health requirements, you can ask the clinic to create a unique program for you. One should always pick a weight loss service that suit your preferences or you can simply opt for a customized program.

Aside from these, can also go for clinics that integrate these programs into your present lifestyle. For people who want to have a complete lifestyle change, this will prove beneficial. Spas make sure that you are working on your weight-loss objectives. You can also learn weight management from health and firness professionals. After the program, you can apply what you learn in your every day living.

Before enrollment

Before enrolling in any of the Florida weight loss clinics, you must have a clear set of objectives. There should be a careful assessment of specific needs and goals. Also, there are major considerations in choosing a clinic. These include monitoring services which will assess how you are doing in your weight loss program and maintenance support so that you can keep your weight for a long time.

Enrolling in a spa will entail lifestyle changes. There will be apparent changes in diet as well as in exercise. Staying in a weight loss spa will keep you away from unhealthy habits.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Videos

How to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss - It Doesn't Have to Be a Dream

If you're overweight one thing in the world that you want most of all is to lose weight permanently. If you've been on lots of diets before you will know that it is no easy task to lose weight. It is even more difficult to lose weight permanently. However, it is not impossible. It is perfectly possible for you to resign your membership of the serial dieters club and join the ranks of those who have achieved their ultimate goal of permanent weight loss.

How to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss - It Doesn't Have to Be a Dream

Permanent weight loss is not only about losing weight, it is about making fundamental change in your life. The reason why so many diets fail is that they only take you so far. After a period of only a few weeks you're left high and dry with no support or guidance to take you forward. In too many cases the diet regime is one that you can only manage to do for a limited period. What you really need is the ability to have the support and to know what to do after the diet is finished.

Unfortunately, there are very few programs that offer this sort of support. The secret of permanent weight loss is to be able to make successful behaviour change. In other words to recognize the bad habits that have made you fat in the first place, and to learn new habits to take their place. Having done that your task will then be to manage and maintain your weight.

The most important thing to do is to choose the right weight loss program in the first place. The next thing to do is to understand that you as a person have to make fundamental changes in the way you live your life. Your eating habits and your lifestyle habits have to change. If you're not prepared to make that change them permanent weight loss will always be elusive.

It is worth the sacrifice. It is worth the effort. The opportunity for you to lead and enjoy the slim and healthy life is there. The only thing that is going to get in the way of you achieving the success you deserve, is you.

For More Related Topics Blog: Best Diet To Lose Weight Fast

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

For More Related Topics Blog: Green Smoothie Weight Loss

Dieting Alone Does Not Help in Weight Loss

Are you planning for a weight loss? Only dieting is not going to help you.

A study at Oregon Health and Science University in US showed that only dieting can not make any significant change to your weight loss.

It has been found that for substantial weight loss proper diet and exercise must be combined together for best results.

In the research, published in the American Journal of Physiology, an international team led by Judy Cameron studied 18 female monkeys at the Oregon National Primate Research Center.

The monkeys were placed on a high-fat diet for several years. They were then returned to a lower -fat diet with a 30% reduction in calories.

The weight and activities of the monkeys were closely tracked for a month period. The activities were monitored by an activity meter attached on to their collar.

Surprisingly no significant weight reduction was noticed at the end of the month but there was a significant change in the activity level of these monkeys. The activity level in the monkeys began to reduce soon after the reduction in the calories in the diet.

Further reductions in the calories in the diet of these monkeys in the next month lead to diminish still more physical activity in them.

The team also fed a normal diet to another group of monkeys and trained them to exercise for 1 hour daily on a tread mill. They found that there was a appreciable weight loss in this group.

The study demonstrated that there is a natural mechanism in the body which conserves the energy in response to a reduction in the intake. The body of humans and animals seems to have a built in mechanism for responding to the inputs available to them at times. These findings will help fitness and medical professionals to advise the persons on the weight loss program. For further details you may like to visit....

For More Related Topics Blog: Food For Quick Weight Loss

Monday, October 28, 2013

Acai Berry Juice - What Do They Mean When They Say Acai Berry Juice is Ideal For Weight Loss?

Are you overweight and tired of taking fat loss pills? Have you tried using acai berry juice instead? Well, if you have tried using acai berry juice for weight loss, you would have known just how effective it is. Here is why the juice of acai berry is preferred the world over by people who want to get slim.

1. It Is Effective

The biggest benefit of using the juice of the acai plant is its effectiveness. The juice of acai has all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are required for effective weight loss. An ordinary acai drink contains rich dietary fibers, omega3 & omega9 fatty acids, carbohydrates, body building proteins, vitamins and minerals. This combination is simply perfect for effective fat loss.

2. It Is Natural

The second reason why the acai juice is considered ideal for fat loss is because it contains ingredients that are completely natural. As the juice is devoid of any chemical base, the fact remains that you lose weight without ingesting harmful chemicals in your body. The acai berry supplement is therefore considered to

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Programs Weight Loss

All About Calcium For Weight Loss

A study recently published in the most recent issue of the British Journal of Nutrition has shown that boosting calcium consumption spurs weight loss, but only in people whose diets are deficient in the mineral. The 15-week weight loss program was conducted on obese women and the participants consumed an average of less than 600 mg of calcium per day, (the recommended daily intake is 1000 mg). The women were placed on a low calorie diet and were instructed to take two tablets a day containing either a total of 1200 mg of calcium or a placebo.

The results were that the women who took the calcium tablets lost nearly 6 kg over the course of the program compared to 1 kg for women in the control group. The scientists hypothesized that the brain can detect the lack of calcium and seeks to compensate for this by stimulating more food intake, which clearly works against the goals of any weight loss program. On the flipside, taking enough calcium seems to stifle the desire to eat more. The bottom line is that consuming sufficient calcium is important to ensure the success of any weight loss program.

So what are some great ways to up your calcium intake and prevent unnecessary fat on your body? Well naturally, taking a supplement in tablet, capsule or powder form (I love to add the powder to my breakfast smoothies) is a great way to get it in. Pick up some fortified soy milk or rice milk or just plain old dairy products will also do the trick. Include foods like yogurt and cottage cheese if you can tolerate them. By the way, an added bonus of calcium is if you take some calcium 30 minutes before bed, you'll likely enjoy a more relaxing and deeper slumber. Foods like almonds, tahini (sesame seeds), molasses, broccoli, and tofu are also rich in calcium. Also, be sure you balance your calcium intake with about ½ the amount in milligrams of magnesium for a healthy balance of minerals.

For More Related Topics Blog: Drinking Water Help Weight Loss

Great Weight Loss Advice

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise At Home

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Colon Cleansing & Weight Loss - Clean Your Colon With a Natural Cleanse & Remove Mucoid Plaque

The foods that we eat are mostly laden with materials that can harm our body. Most of them are chemically treated. To add to this problem, we eat too much junk food and foods that high in cholesterol. It has become a trend to eat in fast foods or just order over the phone. Unfortunately, these types of food are not high in nutritional content. In addition, they contain toxic materials that result to mucoid plaque buildup, a condition wherein there is too much mucus along the digestive tract. This condition results in improper digestion of food, irregular bowel movement, and weight gain.

There are different ways to remove mucoid plaque. One of those is colon cleansing, which is the process of forcibly flushing out toxins from our system. There are ready-to-drink supplements for this. There are also do-it-yourself procedures like the Master Cleanse. For every person, there is a right way of cleansing your colon.

Aside from flushing out of toxins, colon cleansing repairs the digestive tract so that it can do its job properly. Its primary function is to convert food into expendable energy instead of storing it as fat. Needless to say, colon cleansing also aids in weight loss.

During the course of the cleansing, it is recommended that we drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Eating fiber-rich foods and exercising can also aid in weight loss during this process. In choosing the right method, it is best to know your health condition and discuss this with your physician.

Mucoid plaque is very dangerous to your health in the long run. So instead of waiting for this to become a problem in the future, you can prevent this by undergoing colon cleansing at least once a week. By doing this, we ensure that our digestive tract is working properly, and you also get the added benefit of weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Workouts

Are You Looking For Healthy Weight Loss Food?

If you have gained some weight and you have been planning on losing it then today is the perfect day to start. Having a healthy body shows other people that you have respect for yourself and the discipline in you to maintain the ideal weight. This is the reason why people perceive weight loss as a way to become confident and boost self morale at the same time. In another light, not having a great looking body can lower your self esteem and cause serious issues with yourself that affects your relationship with other people as well. You can easily avoid this with the wide range of products available to address this issue. But the products cost higher the more effect it is. I assume you're not willing to spend a cent just to find a healthy weight loss regimen because you are reading this article now.

I will share with you an effective healthy method in weight loss as it will also help you in developing a way that could jump start your diet.

Make it easy for your body to digest your food.

Yes, you heard me right. There are many kinds food today that make it harder for the digestive system to process the food. These are food filled with preservatives and processed meat. Usually, you'll find this kind of quality of food in fast food chains and in canned foods.

Through simple discipline and being more responsible about what you put in your body you will be saving your digestive the problem of processing food for you everyday.

For More Related Topics Blog: Water Helps Weight Loss

Acai Berry Select Review - A Complete Weight Loss Formula

Acai berry, which tops the list of 10 super foods of the world, has become a favorite health supplement of not only those who want to reduce weight but also health conscious people in general. The most important and widely advertised property of this wonder fruit is its ability to help you lose weight without too much effort. Acai berry select is one of the most popular weight loss supplements that come with a free trial offer.

Acai berry select which has been proved to be highly effective in reducing weight has a lot of other benefits as well. It is available in pills form therefore very convenient to take. It also comes with a free nutritional guide and a motivational weight loss audio. You remain motivated throughout the weight loss program while leaning the tips of weight loss.

Within a month or so you can reduce up to 20lbs if you follow the instructions and maintain regularity. After a month it is entirely up to you if you want to continue with the product or not. However I must say that you should first try the product before jumping to any conclusion.

Apart from weight loss it improves our overall health. Some of the benefits are as follows.


For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Plans For Weight Loss

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

For More Related Topics Blog: Most Effective Weight Loss

5 Most Effective Weight Loss Exercises

Effective weight loss can only be achieved by following a proper set of exercises which not only help you reduce it but at the same time prevent it from accumulating again!

There are a host of exercises which help in weight loss but according to a recent survey by reputed health magazine the best exercises are:

1. Brisk walk and sprinting: these exercises have been regarded as the best cardiovascular and the most effective weight reduction exercise. They not only reduce fat at a quicker rate but also help in reducing cholesterol. 30 minutes of brisk walk for one week and then gradually increasing it by 10 minutes will not only make wonders in reducing weight but also keep the body athletic and sound.

2. Squats: they are quite effective in reducing the fat in the thighs. They come under strength training and should be done in moderation initially and must be gradually increased. They not only help in weight reduction but also strengthen the knee.

3. Lunging: also called mimic walking is for fat reduction that is mainly at the hip area. It is a combination of squatting and walking which includes bending of the knee to ninety degrees. This exercise is also very effective and powerful.

4. Abdominal Crunches: this is definitely the best exercise for those who always complain of having flab in their waist line, this exercise has to be done with utmost caution since wrongly can done can cause spasm in the abdomen area. While getting try to rotate sideways which will help on reducing he side flab also.

5. Gradual rest exercises: this must include the warm up exercises. They must not be neglected any cost, since shunning them can cause spasms and other painful conditions.

Thus this set of exercises if carried out diligently will help you get the desired results. They are definitely best and the most effective weight loss exercises.

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Programs Weight Loss

Friday, October 25, 2013

3 Day Birmingham Cardiac Diet - Quick Weight Loss Diet

Here is the Diet Menu:



Tea or coffee (no cream or sugar)

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss For Men Fast

Best HCG For Weight Loss

For those dieters looking to take up an HCG weight loss plan, there comes a time when they wonder what the best HCG is in order to lose the most weight possible. It is important for the dieter to realize that the best HCG diet plan does not necessarily involve higher dosages of HCG as much as it involves taking the right amount of HCG necessary and incorporating a very low calorie diet plan.

Many individuals who order HCG products via the Internet find that the product is typically supplied in dosages equivalent to 125 IU which is to be taken on a daily basis. This is the lowest and the best HCG plan to follow for the purpose of weight loss. Maintaining an appropriate HCG dosage will help minimize any potential side effects one might face with the use of HCG treatments. One can anticipate the ability to lose as much as a pound on a daily basis.

Some dieters make the mistake of assuming that if they can get such fantastic results with such a low dosage of HCG, that higher doses might increase weight loss dramatically. In fact, the opposite is true. When a dieter misuses HCG products in such a fashion he or she runs the risk of actually packing on unnecessary pounds instead of losing it. Therefore the very best HCG plan involves following the product dosage instructions and taking the minimum amount necessary.

Reducing one's intake of calories is also very important when embarking on the best HCG weight loss options. A caloric intake of no more than 500 calories will give the dieter the optimal weight loss results that he or she seeks. The HCG product will curb one's appetite tremendously that such a low calorie diet is feasible and dieters won't feel the common symptoms such as hunger pains, headaches, fatigue etc. In addition, HCG has the ability of increasing one's metabolism considerably so that the user of the product can burn off unwanted Abnormal Fat far faster than other diet plans. More importantly, since HCG helps to redistribute the fat more attractively for your body, you won't have to worry about skin flaps developing as a common result of rapid weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Can I Lose Weight Fast In A Week

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hoodia Appetite Suppressant For Weight Loss

Grown in the deserts of South Africa, Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus-like plant that has increased in popularity for its ability to help with weight loss. The plant was originally used for centuries in Southern Africa to suppress the appetite and reduce hunger when making long hunting trips in the desert. Now, Hoodia is regularly used as an active ingredient in many dietary supplements in pure concentration like in ChitoGold.

Weight loss is a common struggle that many american share. As a result, dieters often struggle with maintaining a weight loss program while also fighting the urge to reduce their food intake. When you're hungry, it's because your brain fires signals that drives your urge and desire to eat. As a result your eating is satisfied, the higher the satiety value in the food. The more oil, fat, salt, and sugar in foods the higher the satiety value, which is why you tend to get fuller quicker consuming fattening food. Unfortunately, increased oil, fat, salt, and sugar are also contributors to weight gain.

As a reverse effect, appetite suppressants reduce the signals that are sent to your brain. As a result of your brain decreasing the frequency in which it tells you to eat, ending up eating less and stay fuller longer. This is the purpose of the natural Hoodia ingredient in dietary supplements. Hoodia suppresses your diet and causes you to reduce your overall food consumption,the stem "core" of the Hoodia gordonii species contains a powerful molecule dubbed "P57". This molecule works on an hypothalamus an area in human brain in a way similar to, 10,000 times the glucose potency which "alerts" the body that it is satiated and no longer needs to eat.

As you can see the benefits of taking hoodia is thus a strong reduction in your food cravings and a lack of appetite - meaning you simply eat less. So if you resort to using Hoodia to lose weight make sure to use a product that uses genuine concentration of hoodia not a cheap one that uses just fillers.

For More Related Topics Blog: Diet Plan For Weight Loss For Women

Diet - Know the Secrets of Life Long Weight Loss

Dieting along with knowing the secrets of life-long weight loss are the keys to a happy and healthy life. The secrets to life-long weight loss is to eat a diet of filling food. There are many diets in the market that do not have the staying power, purely because they do not have variety.

Heard the saying, "Variety is the spice of life", well this is exactly what a successful diet is based on. Food optimising with a list of healthy, filling foods will stop your taste buds from getting bored. Getting support with a network of friends to help encourage each other is a great way to stay with it. Planning and monitoring your food is key,its so easy to reach for the fatty foods after a days work.

Having a bunch of grapes handy can save you from the chocolate and crisps. Involving the family and convert them to the food optimising, ditch the takeaways and try different things. Be flexible if you want to stay slim,for instance if you do not allow yourself a treat, your more likely to give up. Take regular exercise, swimming, dancing, even if its a brisk walk to the shops. Do this for yourself, the biggest motivator is you. Set your own pace and you will not feel rushed. Know your slimming saboteurs and be aware of them, do not let them lead you astray. Set little targets for yourself and lose a certain amount each week, gradually it will work, so keep at it.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Fast Pills

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bodybuilding and Weight Loss

Bodybuilding and weight loss are almost like two diagonally opposite sides of the spectrum. While many of us understand the fine link between the two, for most it would come as a surprise that bodybuilding is associated with some amount of the gaining the weight in the initial stages.

Our body consists of muscles as well as fat. While fat is bulky, it is lighter than the muscles and hence, when you associate yourself with any of the fitness programmes to build muscles you would realize, often alarmingly, that you have actually gained weight!

It is hence very important that the fine relationship between the two is understood. If you are trying to look slimmer by losing some amount of fat, then you have to pay attention to how you go about it. It is almost impossible to avoid gaining a few pounds, while losing some inches in the initial stages. You have to be very careful about the way you do your exercises.

Importance of Diet Control

When you embark upon any of the weight loss programmes, you must ensure that you eat food that consists of more of proteins and carbohydrates and less of fat content. You need additional protein content to make up for the loss of muscular fiber that is being replaced at a very fast rate.

Type of Exercises

If your aim is to reduce fat content and build your muscles without adding onto the weight, then you should embark upon exercises that are specifically meant far toning down the body. This can be done by not doing any heavy set of exercises that are linked to give heavy muscular development in your arms and chest which are the areas that gain weight faster.

Take the advice of a trainer and focus on the exercises that are done with lesser amount of weights and are focused more upon stamina as well as cardiovascular workout.

For More Related Topics Blog: Losing Weight In 2 Weeks

3 New and Surprisingly Simple Natural Weight Loss Remedies

Battles are won by the side with superior tactics, number, and weaponry -- and the same holds true for your battle with the bulge. But surprise! Natural weight loss remedies don't have to be complicated for them to work. Here are some of the simplest, everyday weapons that you can use to defeat those pesky extra pounds.

Milk A recent study reports milk does, indeed, do the body good -- for as long as it's fat-free and it's enjoyed in the morning. The study, which saw print in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggests drinking fat-free milk every morning is THE better option for staving off hunger pangs. Milk makes you feel fuller longer, causing you to consume fewer calories at lunch.

Vitamin D You can eat nothing else but steamed kale and salmon and run six miles a day, but if you have very low Vitamin D levels, you may still find it difficult to lose weight. New research by the University of Minnesota's Shalamar Sibley demonstrated that increasing one's intake of Vitamin D leads to more efficient weight loss. Here is even more surprising news: the pounds that the study's 38 obese subject's lost were directly proportional to their body's Vitamin D levels.

Sleep We've long known the benefits of getting enough zzzz's. But what about the disadvantages of not sleeping enough? According to the results of a sleep restriction experiment, aside from getting eyebags, you could end up several pounds heavier if you're sleep-deprived.

Sleep, Vitamin D, and milk are natural weight loss remedies that can help you win the battle against the bulge. They are not the only ones that can, though. In a nutshell: there are many things around you and within you that you can utilize as natural weight loss remedies. Use them!

For More Related Topics Blog: Dottis Weightloss Zone

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Has Your Weight Loss Slowed Down? Boost Your Diet and Exercise With Simple Tweaks

Are you feeling frustrated because your weight loss slowed down? Are you doing the same thing with your diet and exercise yet getting slower results? This is a common problem faced by people who are on a plan to lose weight but you can give your weight loss a boost and speed things up with just a couple of tweaks to your current plan. If you need a boost to keep your motivation alive then I encourage you to take 2 minutes to read through this article and learn how easy it can be.

Weight Loss Slowed Down

1. Spark your workout with HIIT. Any form of exercise will get your fat burning started but to keep exercise working for you it is important to vary your intensity during your workout session. What research has proven to be a highly effective way to boost your exercising effects is to use HIIT. This stands for high intensity interval training and anyone can do it because it is based on YOUR perceived exertion level.

Start with a 3 minute warm-up at an exertion level of 5 then for minutes 4, 5 and 6 increase your exertion in equal increments. This will leave you working at your peak exertion level for one minute and then for minute 7 back down to a level of 5 again. Repeat this ups and down cycle for 20 minutes and you have a complete fat burning workout.

2. Spark your diet with a high calorie meal. This sounds crazy but let me assure you, this concept is highly researched and proven effective in real life cases.

When you eat a low calorie diet for too long your body worries that you are facing starvation and puts the brakes on your metabolism to protect your energy reserves - in other words FAT.

So you need to convince your body that there is no starvation so it can release your metabolism and you do this by feeding your body a high calorie meal that includes any of your favorite foods. You will retain a bit of water from doing this but the resulting boost in your metabolism more than makes up for it and you will find it very easy to lose weight for the entire rest of the week.

If your weight loss slowed down unexpectedly don't lose hope, these tips will speed things back up for you and get you to your goal.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Journal

How to Become a Personal Trainer - Get Rich Overnight by Designing a Weight Loss Program

Are you a personal trainer? Do you realize there is something on your mind 24/7? Do you want to become a millionaire without much effort? Get ready; there is a call for your imagination. Trust yourself, devise a weight loss program and you are all set to earn million online.

With the increasing online business, there is great need to create innovative business ideas. A personal trainer can earn great income by training people in homes, gyms and parks but the possibilities of earning by an online weight loss program is more than you can ever imagine. Work on an exercise and fitness program specially designed for people who want to lose weight. You can assist people through your online program. This is such a great idea for you and for people as well. Every one wants to get smart today. Getting into shape is the thing on everyone's mind, but it is always deadline, job and hectic schedule which keep them from achieving the goals to look beautiful, healthy. Your online program can easily assist and motivate these people for a healthy life style and fitness routine. Your program can be the perfect guide for many people. You have to do it once with little investment and the results are worth desiring for. Your specially designed features like nutrition advice, food recopies, and healthy drinks with exercise routine can attract more and more people, resulting in a regular income for life time.

You definitely deserve more as a qualified personal trainer. Designing your own weight loss program is the perfect idea which is not new anymore. You must have heard about South beach diet and Atkins diet. So, this is the right time to take your imagination to life. Go; get this smart idea working and innovate you world, now!

For More Related Topics Blog: Calorie Counter For Weight Loss

Monday, October 21, 2013

Boost Your Weight Loss

If you are worried about joining a gym, look for something close to you, and something that is small that will have a good close knit group of people. You really want to look for ways to be welcomed into the world of weight loss. The more activities you can do with your legs, the better of you are going to be. Think about it, if you just need a few things at the store, how about you go for a walk to the store, burn off some calories, and get your heart in shape!

Now, this will probably blow your mind, but most of you have surely already heard about this concept. Instead of eating three square meals a day, try and eat more often than that. If you are following a good diet, then you should probably already be eating about 5 small portioned meals a day and you should be eating every 2-3 hours. Many people think that cutting calories will actually help you effectively loose weight, which is simply not the case. Instead, you are actually causing your metabolism to slow down and go in what is called "starvation mode". This is not a good mode, because it means that you body is preparing itself to live without food, mainly because you are not giving your body enough food.

There are also a wide variety of foods that can help to boost your metabolism, and sugar filled foods like doughnuts are not one of them! Believe it or not, spicy foods have been known to speed up your metabolism, and can help you with your weight loss challenge. So try some new things out within your daily meals, and add a little bit of spice, and try something new! No one ever really died from trying something new and invigorating, so get out there and give it your best shot!

For More Related Topics Blog: Unexplained Weightloss

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Weight Loss Workout

Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 Quicker Weight Loss Tricks and Tactics - Torch Body Fat in Days

Here are a couple quicker weight loss tricks and tactics that will allow you to lose weight without suffering through a harsh diet or excessive exercising. You can "SHORTCUT" weight loss and cheat to make it easier and faster.

Quicker Weight Loss

1. Take 1 tablespoon of EV coconut oil twice a day

For a lot of my clients, this is a quick way to drop 6 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks. Does it work for everyone... of course not. But for $13, it's well worth the risk for you to try and find out for yourself.

The healthy fats in the Extra Virgin (has to say extra virgin or cold pressed on the label... or don't get it) Coconut Oil are what makes this work so effectively. This probably has to do with our body being use to over-saturation of BAD fats so when a good fat comes along... BAM, the body has a strong and positive reaction to it.

Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and another tablespoon on an empty stomach sometime during the afternoon. Make sure it's in liquid form. You can do this by putting the jar in hot water or somewhere in your house that is above 78 degrees (the temperature at which coconut oil solidifies).

2. Use a cold water SPRITZ

Cold water can induce your body into immediate thermogenesis (fat burning mode). A trick you can do is to finish up with your normal shower and then turn the water to as cold as possible. If you're desperate for weight loss, just do this. I know it's not the greatest feeling in the world to have cold water on you, but try it out.

Then rinse and spritz the water all over your body for 15 seconds. Come on... 15 seconds of "water shock" is worth the hours and hours of ACCELERATED fat burning you'll accomplish from doing this. Your body will burn fat fast for the next few hours just because of this cold water. An added bonus is that you'll get a nice surge in energy... or if you do this at night before bed... you'll sleep a lot better.

Use these 2 quicker weight loss tricks if the idea of a torture diet or punishing exercise doesn't appeal to you and you want to lose weight faster than you currently are.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Weight Loss Fast At Home

Characteristics of Successful Weight Loss Programs For Women Over 40 - Avoid Mistakes, Be Attractive

Exactly how many diets have you tried? If you are a woman over 40, chances are you have been on half a dozen or more diets and weight loss programs. And, as I know from my subscribers to my "Lose Weight Permanently" program, most of these diets do not even get you to your ideal weight, the weight you'd like to have. And even worse: Even if you got to your ideal weight, your chances to gain it all back again are extremely high. Why is it so hard to create a successful weight loss program for women over 40?

First of all, the metabolism in women over 40 changes. Women in general store fat much easier than men- but after age 40 the changes in the hormone system make it harder and harder to lose weight. This means, a weight loss program should address this specific situation and help women to boost the hormone system in natural, healthy ways.

Second, women over forty tend to be very busy. Exercise plans taking a lot of time tend not to work out. A good program needs to take this into account, and suggest exercises that can be integrated in daily activities. It should help in finding out how you can free some time by re-prioritizing activities too.

Last, the lifestyles of women over 40 tend to be very different. So what is easy to do for one woman might be hard to do for another- and generalized weight loss programs do not take this into account.

For More Related Topics Blog: Tea To Help Weight Loss

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Online Weight Loss Product - Some Warnings

An online weight loss product, according to would be experts, is the answer to all your weight loss problems. Dubbed as the magic bullet for weight loss, an online weight loss product can range from diet pills to diet patches; from hypnosis to strict eating habits.

How effective are weight loss products?

Although many websites claim that an online weight loss product such as diet pills is "safe and effective," these claims are either unsupported by scientific claims or are fraudulent. The problem with weight loss pills is that many people easily fall prey to the lofty remarks made by companies and manufacturers, without researching about the potential side effects of the product.

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Benefits of Weight Loss

Excess weight is bad for you, being overweight is directly related to one of the leading causes of death in America today: heart disease. Not to mention, some types of cancer, stroke and diabetes.

Research has proven that achieving and staying close to your ideal weight will lead to a longer, healthier life. It is said that most health problems occur if you are obese (20-25% above ideal weight).

Each year, 1 million Americans die of heart disease. More people suffer nonfatal heart attacks every year and it is estimated that 30-40% of adults have high blood pressure. All of these can lead to heart disease and stroke.

Being overweight is a main reason, when you exceed your ideal weight, your heart has to work harder and thus increasing the work load just to get the job done.

Studies have proven people who lose weight also experienced reductions in blood pressure.

What you eat also effects your heart. Foods high in fat, especially saturated fat from animal sources can plug arteries with plaque. Your blood flow can be restricted and actually increase your risk of heart attack.

High density lipoprotein (hdl) or "good cholesterol" facilitates the movement of excess cholesterol from arteries. HDL can be increased by weight loss and regular exercise and eating less fatty foods.

Diabetes has been clearly linked to excess weight. Obesity is a major contributor to the development of diabetes. Weight loss can reduce the risk of diabetes, and improve the blood sugar of those who already have it.

Experts believe that by limiting your fat intake to 20%, women can reduce their chances of getting breast cancer. High fat diets are connected with prostate cancer in men. Being at your ideal weight and limiting fat intake can help provide more protection from these types of cancer.

People are living longer by maintaining an ideal body weight and exercising regularly. As you age, it is important to keep your body fat low and staying active.

Extra pounds lead to extra stress on your back, knees and hip joints. Studies suggest that losing 10 pounds can reduce osteoarthritis by almost one third in folks over the age of 65.

When people lose weight, they tend to have more energy and sleep better.

Choosing a weight loss program can be difficult and frustrating. Fortunately, I have reviewed the top 5 online weight loss programs and they are available here.

For More Related Topics Blog: Menopause And Weight Loss

Friday, October 18, 2013

How Do I Lose Weight? An Effortless Step For Effective Weight Loss

A lot of people always have the same question, how do I lose weight in their minds. If you are one amongst the many people, who are looking for the same answer, this can be the best article you can go for. Below mentioned are some of the information, which you must consider before you plan to select a weight losing method.

The recent development in the biotechnology industry has created many weight loss supplements. These supplements are capable of providing various physiological functions, once they are injected in the body. By inhibiting these normal functions of the human body, people will be able to realize drastic reduction on their body weight by having these products.

However, some of the studies conducted on these products have been proved that numerous weight loss products can also harm the other functions of the body. As these products will have powerful ingredients, it will not be suitable for some people. Therefore, before planning to select any type of weight loss program, it is advisable to take the assistance of an expert.

There are many products and weight loss programs available and they promise results that you wish to look for. However, often it does not seem to be true. Therefore, it is always good to try some natural methods to lose weight instead of relying on products that cause side effects.

Natural weight loss programs have many benefits which will help you to lose the weight easily. Therefore, if you are looking an answer for the same question "how do I lose weight", considering these tips is very important.

If you follow some of the simple steps and tips, you can find a great change in your body within days. If you are the one who will have junk food and fried foods regularly, it is very important to avoid them completely. If you are not able to control it immediately, you can avoid it slowly.

As fried foods and junk foods will not only cause you many health problems, they also increase your weight. Therefore, the answer to your question, "how do I lose weight" starts right from the foods that you choose for your daily meals.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Much Calories To Lose Weight

Great Weight Loss Advice

For More Related Topics Blog: Top Weight Loss Diets

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Exercise For Weight Loss and Health

Exercise should be an important part of your life if you want to have an ideal weight and good health. Below is information on how to overcome resistance to exercise, how to fit it into your schedule as well what benefits exercise can bring you.

- Using positive affirmations can help you look forward to your workout. Repeat to yourself "I feel good about my workout", "My body becomes firm and beautiful", "I enjoy my exercise program".

- Different excuses not to exercises are just the excuses. For example, "I don't have time to exercise" is one of the most popular excuses. If you have time to watch one hour TV show, then you have 20 minutes to exercise during the commercial breaks. Simple 10 minutes of fast walking qualify as aerobic exercise. If you park your car far from a grocery store then 5 minutes of walk with groceries equally distributed in each hand can qualify for weight training.

- Schedule for your workout the same way you would do for any other important appointment or task you need to accomplish.

- If you haven't exercised for a while, exercising can cause muscle soreness. It happens because lactic acid builds up in the muscles if you don't exercise for some time. But this is not a reason not to exercise. Start slowly with 10 minutes of exercise in the beginning. If your muscles get sore afterwards take a bath with sea salt or get a massage.

- Regular exercise increases the metabolic rate and helps burn fat; it can help you lose weight and maintain your ideal weight.

- Exercise can improve your mood because more endorphins and produced in the brain. Endorphins promote good mood and can help fight depression and reduce the negative consequences of stress on the body. Not exercising regularly leads directly to refrigerator meaning overeating and eating junk foods.

- Exercise improves the brain functioning and hence can increase your productivity and creativity. It can also increase the energy level.

- Exercise promotes the healthy heart, lungs, joints, hormonal system and improves the overall health in general.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Fast Pills

Factors To Consider Before Starting Advanced Weight Loss

Being obese can for sure impact negatively on your health as well as on your daily activities. Due to this reason, you need to determine ways in which you can be able to loose weight. There are many ways that you can engage in such as working out in a gym or exercising, as much as this can be of help, it may have some repercussions.

There are also natural ways in which you can lose weight such as the use of HCG diet. This is the use of either drop or injections of HCG hormone that is gotten from the placenta of pregnant women. With this, all you will need to do is to consider your diet so as to achieve your desired body shape.

Before you start the advanced weight loss program, there are certain considerations that you need to be aware of. You need to consult with a nutritionist who will highlight to you what is expected in terms of food to eat and the type of diet to use such as injection or drops. This will however depend with the reaction of your body.

When it comes to food, there are some tips that you need to be aware of. This is because this diet perfectly works with certain foods and not others thus you should be ready to embrace new types of food even if they are not your favorite or interesting. You also need to learn how to cook thus you have to take advantage of the simple cooking tips and procedures; this will save you lots of money. T o save on time, you need to cook in bulk, this will prevent you from cooking every now and then, this can however be achieved if you plan your menu well according to the number of calories that you need to consume on daily basis.

In order to effectively achieve your goals, you need to take the HCG dose as advised; this is because any irregularities may prevent you from achieving the best results. You will also be required to drink a lot of water so as to boost your body metabolism. Sleep is also important; you at least need eight to 10 hours of sleep thus you have to adjust your schedule to accommodate this.

For More Related Topics Blog: Gym Workout For Weight Loss

Monday, October 14, 2013

Great Weight Loss Advice

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Losing Weight Diet

Are You Ready to Give Up on Weight Loss?

Everyday I receive many mails and messages from people who are trying to lose weight but all in vain. They have tried every possible thing but have concluded that it is not possible for them to lose weight. They have lost all hope.

Some of them have spent their entire lives trying to lose weight but never succeed, a few of them have lost weight but again gained back all the weight when they went back to their normal diet.

A women from Alabama wrote about her problem regarding weight loss. She had been trying to lose 60 pounds for about 23 years but all in vain. She finally gave up in the end and came up with the conclusion that she will be fat for the rest of her life.

But it may be astonishing that the same lady is now 65 pounds lighter than she was about one year ago with just a little guidance. Therefore, all we need is a proper guidance in spite of diet plans.

We do not need to get demoralised regarding weight loss. We can lose weight if we are really willing to do it but all we need is courage and proper guidance.

People who lose weight and maintain their lost weight undoubtedly follow these simple and plain tips:

1. Exercise as discussed every time is the major part of diet control. Aerobics is the best form of exercise which can be helpful to us. We should exercise at least 5 - 7 days each week. 45 minutes of exercise daily can not only help you to burn more calories but also speeds up your rate of metabolism.

2. Weight training is also an important part of exercise. Even 2 - 3 days of weight lifting per week can lead to great results.

Lastly we should learn to develop healthy eating habits. For this purpose exercise can help a lot. Many people have told me that their regular exercise not only keeps them physically but mentally active as well and helps them to make much better choices regarding food.

If we are really serious about weight loss then we must get serious about exercise as well as it helps to burn your calories.

- Exercising can increase your metabolic rate.

- Make exercise your part of daily routine as if you brush your teeth daily.

- Take exercise as an important means to get healthy and fit.

For More Related Topics Blog: Most Effective Weight Loss

Fast Food Won't Help - Straighten Your Weight Loss Plan Up

Eating is such a pleasure that you can't live with out it. Some people go the whole day with little food, and some seem to load wheelbarrows into their mouth. You know where you fall when it comes to the amount you eat. The quality you eat is what should concern you the most.

Of course it's easy to gain weight, but for some, it's nearly impossible for them to lose it. You might go month or years with eating a poor diet that will only make you fat. Now fast food is one of your main enemies when your trying to lose weight.

First off, fast food basically contains nothing but harmful fats that will only add on weight. Not to mention the sugar in the soda pops they have. From the fries to the baked pies with sugar in and on them. The fast food lifestyle isn't healthy. The calories that are mainly in fast food are skyrocketed also. So if your on a strict caloric diet, you won't be eating these snacks.

Doesn't it stink that the good foods like fast food and the sweetening snacks that simply taste good, aren't good in your body? So basically when you pass a fast food restaurant you have to keep going. Just think the money you spend at fast food places will accumulate after some time. If you spend a light ten dollars a week at McDonald's that is $480 dollars a year you have spent on it. That is a light estimate for some extreme fast food eaters. Now wouldn't it be great choice to stop at the grocery store to pick up healthy food? How many chicken breasts could that be?

So if you are trying to lose weight but can't seem to ditch the fast food lifestyle, you need to make some adjustments coming up. If you have already started losing weight then you need to think about how you have effected your goals by eating fast food so far.

The choice is up to you and good luck with your weight loss.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Can You Lose Weight Fast In A Week

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Information on Finding a Weight Loss Program

Getting involved in Weight Loss Program can be intimidating for a beginner. It can also be hard to know where to start. There are several questions that you can ask yourself, which will guide you towards the right weight loss program.

- What am I trying to achieve by joining a weight loss program? (Goals)

- What type of program will work with my schedule?

- Is their a certain type of program that will work best for my body type?

- What have other people tried and had success with?

- Do I have any friends that are interested in doing this with me?

- How much am I willing to spend on a program?

- How much am I willing to Risk?

- Am I interested in a Diet program? A exercise program? Both?

- What is my timeline?

- How fast am I wanting to reach my goal weight?

These questions are meant to bring out ideas and really get you thinking about what type of weight loss program will be right for you. Once you have taken time to reflect on these questions for yourself I recommend talking to a professional to further help guide you into the right program. You might be able to do this simply through a family doctor, or a certified fitness professional. Above all, the process and experience should be an exciting learning process. Not only about yourself, but what you can accomplish along your journey. Don't hesitate to ask questions, and find a professional who has done the hard work for you!

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy Quick Ways To Lose Weight

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy Quick Ways To Lose Weight

Guaranteed Weight Loss - How to Lose Fat Fast

Guaranteed weight loss - how to lose fat fast without spending hours in the gym or kitchen. I'm going to show you some quick ways to lose weight that won't cut into your relaxation time.

A lot of times weight loss is hard because we simply don't have time to do the right things to make it happen. I'll give you some quick "5 minute or less ways" to make weight loss easy and quick for you.

Guaranteed Weight Loss - How to lose fat fast

1. 3 apples a day... YAWN

Listen, I'm not here to excite you. I'm here to help you. Do what you want, but you can easily lose 2-3 pounds per month eating apples... specifically 3 apples a day for snacks.

2. Jump on a mini-trampoline

Do this whenever you have 1, 2, or up to 5 minutes of free time. These little mini-workouts are AWESOME for boosting your metabolism.

3. Cook 1 can of black beans each day

Black beans are among the best foods you can eat. They only take 5 minutes to cook also. Look, you can continue to eat your favorite foods, just eat black beans on the side.

The best way to do this is eating 1/2 can twice a day.

Since a can of black beans has no sugar, yet has 25 grams of protein and fiber each... these are perfect for filling you up as a side dish.

4. Hula hoop

Just like the mini-trampoline, hula hoop whenever you have a free minute or two. Nothing difficult. This is becoming really popular because of the toning effects it has on the waist and hips.

Follow these simple tips and you'll have guaranteed weight loss. How to lose fat fast isn't hard when you make just small adjustments to what you normally eat... and what you normally do.

For More Related Topics Blog: Women Diet Plan For Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Women Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Really Really Fast

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Really Really Fast

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is There Such a Thing As Effective Healthy Weight Loss? You'll Be Surprised!

Are at a point where you have basically tried everything there is to try in the weight loss department and still you have love handles to pinch? If you are, then it is time to try something new. If you haven't realized any of the results that your so-called diets have promised you, face the facts, they aren't working. The effectiveness of what you do is measured by the end result. If you want to have that beautiful and healthy body inside and out, your answer is in an effective and healthy weight loss program.

Losing the extra weight in a healthy way effectively does not only enhance the shape of the body but also enhances your inner glow. People will take notice of you more and most of all, your natural beauty.

There are weight loss diets that can be physically tiring and damaging. The ones that make you go on for days surviving on nothing more than crackers and water. Sure, you'd probably lose a bit of weight in a week, but be prepared to gain it all right back when you can't take the starvation any more. With unbalanced diets that are focused on minimal amounts of calories without any substantial nourishment comes a loss of energy and extreme moodiness.

That is why an effective healthy weight loss diet is the solution to your problem. Start by cutting off eating at fast food restaurants and slashing chips from your grocery list. Choose a program that does not require you to starve, but rather eat the right kinds of food to lose that undesired excess fat.

For More Related Topics Blog: Losing The Baby Weight

For More Related Topics Blog: Losing The Baby Weight

FDA Approved Weight Loss Pill

Alli (main ingredient Orlistat) is the first over the counter FDA approved weight loss pill. Unfortunately, it has embarrassing side effects. If you are over weight and looking for a miracle quick fix to obesity, there simply isn't one yet for several reasons.

1. All drugs have side effects, which are unintentional, undesirable, results from taking a drug. One side effect from taking Alli is suddenly having to go to the bathroom. Alli is supposed to be taken with a low fat diet, so when you eat too much fat your body can't absorb it and it just comes out. Anyone who has lost weight from dieting knows that every once in awhile you eat cake, cookies, fast food, chocolates, potato chips and many other fatty foods. So it would seem this side effect is hard to avoid all of the time. There are also several other side effects besides this one.

2. People have lost weight while using Alli, but they were predominantly relying on a low fat healthy diet and exercise. The results seem to be very gradual, I think one person lost 40 pounds over the course of one year. No noticeable changes in the first week. But many people have lost more than 40 pounds in a year by only using diet and exercise.

3. As you probably guessed, Alli isn't free. If your financial condition changes will your dependence on a FDA approved weight loss pill change? Exercise is free! You don't have to pay a fortune to lose weight. Losing weight can be simple. Track the calories you consume throughout the day and the calories you burn from your various activities. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight.

So it would seem a healthy diet and exercise is not outdated yet. If you aren't eating healthy and exercising daily, most likely you aren't losing weight. No FDA approved weight loss pill will change that any time soon. The good news is there are places that can show you how to eat healthy and find an exercise activity that you love. If you are ready to make a change in your eating habits and exercise routine, I believe you can lose weight, pill or no pill.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Plans For Men

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Plans For Men

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hoodia Weight Loss Wonder With No Side Effects

Hoodia Gordonii is considered a wonder plant for weight loss due to its appetite suppressing properties-it is native to many areas of Southern Africa, however the Hoodia Gordonii variety only grows in Namibia and is the only species out of 13 varieties to exhibit this property.

Hoodia Gordonii has been studied for its properties for more than 30 years and there are no known side effects of the food supplement. Over the past 5 years, Hoodia Gordonii has been extracted for its active molecular component, P57, and commercialized into food supplements that accelerate weight loss. The San Tribesmen of South Africa have been using Hoodia for more than 25,000 years on long hunting expeditions to fight off cravings for food and water--the plant provides a surge of vitality, and a general sensation of satisfaction.

Compared to other diet pills and food supplements, there have been no reports of nausea, weakness, depression, stomach aches or other digestive disorders. The recommended dosage of pure Hoodia Gordonii is 750mg to 1000mg per day. The Hoodia Gordonii food supplement is proven to be a very safe aid for weight loss, what makes it so effective is the active ingredient affects the part of the brain responsible for the feeling of hunger, the hypothalamus. This ingredient is extracted from within the plant stem and tricks the person into feeling he or she has already eaten - so feelings of hunger or thirst occur less often and people tend to eat and drink less. Weight loss, voila!

There are products on the market also called Hoodia Gordonii, but are processed from not within the plant's stem, where the appetite suppressing ingredient is located, but from its spikes or the outer skin, or before the 7 year time period the plant needs to reach optimum potency. These products are only slightly effective, or have no effect at all. So make sure and go with a pure, trusted brand such as HoodiaRush [http://blake-photo.com/].

This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article is included and hyperlinks remain active.

You may not remove this text.

J. Blake, Vibrant Health Media: http://vibranthealthmedia.blogspot.com

For More Related Topics Blog: Menopause Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Menopause Weight Loss

A Cheap Soda Killer For Super Charged Weight Loss

Dropping soda is possibly the quickest way to drop a few pounds. It's not just that the high fructose corn syrup in most soda is bad for us, new studies are coming out that even diet soda can inhibit weight loss. My clients, as they use the Somaception method, are asked to cut out even diet soda as we believe that artificial flavors and sweeteners interfere with the body's natural ability to sense what is good for it.

Hibiscus flowers are available online, at many specialty stores like Trader Joes, or locally at any Hispanic grocer. I buy a bag of hundreds of flowers at my "mercado" for about 2 dollars. The recipe I use calls for only 7 flowers. Less than a dime's worth!

My favorite recipe:

8 cups of water brought up to a rapid boil and then brought down to a simmer as the rest of the ingredients are dropped in.

7 hibiscus flowers

5 whole cloves

4 tablespoons of honey

Simmer the cloves and hibiscus for 10 minutes then drain and cool the mix with some ice or cold water to bring the total up to 12 cups of liquid. This yields a rich tasting purple mix. You can add some fresh lime or lemon to bring up the tartness if you like.

Now comes the tricky part: How to make this into soda? I bought a small soda charger. These are the things you see in the old Three Stooges movies where they seltzer each other. You can find them at specialty stores or on eBay for around $30. They take little CO2 cartridges to charge and give the soda it's fizz. My niece loves this and begs to make "purple pop" every time she comes to the house. I'm happy to oblige since it keeps her off the commercial stuff.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Really Really Fast

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight Really Really Fast

Should You Buy Cheap Weight Loss Ebooks Online?

Are you planning to buy cheap weight loss ebooks online? Before you purchase your bargain weight loss ebooks, you can still benefit from doing even just a little background body fat research.

Yet, place your concerns and questions upon personalized fat loss principles, rather than on the ebooks themselves. Here, the intent is far more than merely saving your money.

At least a million times already, you certainly have heard the online sales cliché, "You Have Nothing To Lose Except Excess Weight." Well, the more you recall your own inner knowledge about fitness and weight management, the more wisely you can determine whether a diet ebook sale is likely to reward you with solid weight management expertise.

When you buy cheap weight loss ebooks online, look for quality. In other words, just because you are getting seven dollar weight loss ebooks, you still need to know how to select the ones that are most appropriate for you.

A bargain weight loss ebook can provide you with fact-filled, accredited, plus highly motivational data. However, you have to possess your own fat-loss awareness switch, plus have it turned to the "ON" position with full resolve and sincerity.

Here is where you want to make the savings you are receiving via your discount fat burn e-books compare equally, or at least be complementary to the qualitative enlightenment that it should provide for you. As you buy cheap weight loss ebooks online, importantly consider your personal motivation, your state of readiness, and your reasons for choosing to purchase specific styles of discount fat burn e-books.

Put simply, do you truly want fat loss results? You see - here is one unchanging fact about losing undesired body fat.

You will be much better off when approaching weight loss endeavors equipped with three pieces of body armor:

1. You need emotional resolve;

For More Related Topics Blog: Vegan Diet Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Vegan Diet Weight Loss

Weight Loss Technique Video

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast Pills

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast Pills

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eating Fruits and Vegetables For Healthy Weight Loss

Eating a lot of raw fruits and vegetables on daily basis can be good for weight loss. You can lose weight with a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables.

They are low on calories and contain a high amount of fiber. So we can eat lot of fruits and vegetables without gaining weight. They contain a lot of nutrients like different kinds of vitamins, minerals etc. When we eat fruits and vegetables, we quickly get the sensation of our stomach being filled, so we can avoid overeating.

That is why the FDA has recommended that people get at least 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. There are a wide variety of fruits and vegetables available in the market. They come in a variety of colors, textures and shapes. Each color group has different nutrients and all are required by our body. So enjoy a wide variety of vegetables and fruits in order to get all the nutrients and also to avoid boredom which can result if we eat the same kind of food everyday.

Eating fruits and vegetables have other advantages as well, like they provide us with high energy levels throughout the day so that we can remain active and do a lot of work, which again is good if you are trying to lose weight. If you are suffering from low energy you will not feel like working much and physical inactivity can lead to obesity and becoming fat.

Vegetables are low in sodium. So they will help in reducing water gains by our body. Sodium can cause our body to hold water which can lead to weight gain. Reduction in sodium can mean reduction in water retention in our body. So you see how consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can lead to weight loss, nutrition and other health benefits.

However be a little more careful in eating fruits as they contain fructose(fruit sugar). While it is definitely better than the other kinds of sugar, but eating a lot of it might lead to some form of weight gain. Eat in moderation for best results.

Try out this weight loss program which is getting wide appreciation and positive feedback from many people - Weight Loss 4 Idiots Program

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For More Related Topics Blog: Best Weight Loss Foods To Eat

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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For More Related Topics Blog: Gluten Free And Weight Loss

HCG Weight Loss Shots

HCG weight loss shots is the latest weapon in America's (and everybody else's who believes it) arsenal against obesity. Or so many proponents of the HCG diet would have you believe. It may or may not be true. The question is a source of much controversy and is open to debate. This being the case you would be wondering where to look for information concerning this.

The Federal Drug and Food Administration could be your first stop. As you know, the FDA has to approve any drug whatever purpose it may have been developed for. Not just the drug, but its uses as well. You could check out how the FDA takes HCG weight loss shots. It is common enough knowledge that FDA has not approved use of HCG for weight loss. In fact it requires that anybody who promotes its use for the purpose should get the patient's signature on a document saying that FDA has not approved its use for treatment or control of obesity loss and does not think it safe. Still, you may want to find out for yourself.

Another good source of information about the HCG weight loss shots would be your physician. Since HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a naturally occurring hormone with natural functions, every physician worth his salt would know of it. If you consider your physician trustworthy then she would be your best source of information regarding HCG's effectiveness in weight loss as well as any potential hazards and side effects.

You may also search for scientific studies conducted by various scientists on the effectiveness of HCG weight loss shots. There have been multiple studies conducted and most of them seem to indicate that HCG is ineffective in promoting weight loss or reducing cravings in women who are subjected to severe dieting. In any case, you may find the studies by searching on the internet. Some of them may not be available for free, but you will be able to read the abstract which would contain the results. You could verify their authenticity from the details of the data and the trial procedure provided as well as the authors' own credentials.

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Green Tea For Weight Loss & Obesity Cure

Do you know the details of the miraculous effect of weight reduction via regular green tea intake? Are you aware of the precious benefits of taking it regularly? Just go ahead and get to know the details.

Does Green Tea Works For Weight Loss?

Green tea has remarkable health benefits. The Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea has several positive effects on your body. But it has proven to be a weight loss tool due to the following reasons

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

DASH Your Way to Weight Loss and Better Health

At a time when people are spending millions of dollars on diet books and workout tapes, one of the best weight loss plans is available from our government absolutely free. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has had their top researchers working on a diet that will lower high blood pressure and help people shed pounds. It has been shown to have irrefutable results.

The DASH plan stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, it was originally designed for people who were suffering from high blood pressure but further research shows the fundamentals of a low sodium diet can help anyone who is overweight. The diet is one that is based on multiple servings each day of fruits and vegetables along with low fat milk. It is based on the food pyramid developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

NIH researchers found that Americans have eating too much red meat as well as food and beverages with added sugar. This diet cuts most of those things out and encourages consumption of fish, poultry and whole grains. For a person consuming 2000 calories per day, the DASH diet calls for 27% of the calories to come from fat and 18% from protein. It also limits sodium intake to 2300mg and fiber to 30mg each day.

A typical day on this diet might include a breakfast of 3/4 cup of bran flakes cereal, a medium banana, 1 cup low fat milk, 1 slice of whole wheat toast with a teaspoon of margarine and 1 cup of orange juice. For lunch the NIH recommends; 3/4 cut chicken salad with two pieces of whole wheat bread plus a salad of cucumber slices and tomato wedges. Dinner would include 3 ounces of beef, 1 cup of green beans, a small baked potato, whole wheat roll and 1 cup of low fat milk. Snacks during the day of nuts and yogurt can be added to hit the 2000 calorie target.

More meals are suggested at the National Institutes of Health website. The NIH also recommends starting an exercise program to go along with the DASH diet to improve your overall health and speed up the weight loss.

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A Essential Part of Your Weight Loss Nutrition Plan

If you want to lose weight successfully, then you need to work with your body not against it. If you are a constant dieter, then the chances are you will not be very successful because you are working against your body. Very often the main reason why people gain weight over time, is not because they are eating more, although this could be one of the reasons, but because they metabolism gets slower. The slower your metabolism is, the less calories your body burns.

So if you could somehow speed up your metabolic rate, then you could burn more calories and therefore lose weight easier and quicker. The problem is that most people are using diets to lose weight, but diets that require a severe calorie reduction, like most diets, then this only slows the metabolism down even more. The metabolisms of constant dieters is very slow and this is why no matter how hard they try, they can´t seem to lose weight.

Are small frequent meals part of your weight loss nutrition plan?

But there are many ways how you could speed up your metabolic rate and one of those ways is meal frequency. The more times per day you eat the more work your body has to do, so your metabolism will increase. For example it is much better to eat 5-7 smaller meals a day, after every 2-3 hours, than 3 meals after every 4-5 hours.

This does not mean that you can eat everything you want, just as long as you are eating small meals after every 2-3 hours, but it does help you lose weight. All these little details, like eating small meals instead of big ones, are really the key to losing weight successfully. There is no magic formula or pill that does the trick.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Decaslim Weight Loss Pill Review

Decaslim weight loss pill is a health supplement that functions both as a slimming pill and at the same time, as an anti acne product. This product contains natural ingredients known as the 10 Super Foods that works together in rendering fast results in just 7 days of use as claimed by the product's manufacturer.

The 10 super foods' extracts within the 750 mg capsule of Decaslim are as follows: Conjugated Licoleic Acid (CLA), Green Tea, Dietary Fiber, Blueberries, Broccoli, Spinach, FlaxSeed, Tomato, Garlic, and Resveratrol. Each ingredients found within the product has their different functions and health benefits. Both CLA and tomato are great for the cardiovascular system since it contains omega 3. Furthermore, CLA likewise has established effects on reducing weight. Green Tea, on the other hand, is considered an anti oxidant that promotes in healthy weight loss. Garlic together with Resveratrol has proven cardiovascular benefits. Flaxseed, broccoli, and spinach are rich in Vitamin C and likewise aids in promoting a healthy and regular bowel movement/

Although each of the ingredients found within Decaslim has their own function and health benefits, this does not imply that when the 10 ingredients are combined, they will be effective in losing weight and in fighting acne. Furthermore, 8 of its ingredients may contain patented clinical benefits but the product somehow operates based on the testimonials and hype of their 10 super foods. The product's manufacturer and return product are both unclear and not well presented on their official website. Clients are likewise encouraged to purchase Fat flusher for a synergistic effect.

On the other hand, Decaslim also has its benefits and one of which is the fact that it contains 10 natural and super foods. You can easily obtain the product which carries with it a lifetime guarantee unlike other products in the market today. The natural ingredients within the product have certain benefits and render no side effects to its customers. Although the product may present it hype ingredients, its function of both as a slimming pill and anti acne is still vague. It seems that its slimming effects are primarily because of Fat Flusher. Thus, for those customers who want to lose weight in a healthy and efficient way, they are encouraged to check other products that have proven effects and benefits than choosing Decaslim. This is likewise applicable to those who want to get rid of their acne.

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