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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Characteristics of Successful Weight Loss Programs For Women Over 40 - Avoid Mistakes, Be Attractive

Exactly how many diets have you tried? If you are a woman over 40, chances are you have been on half a dozen or more diets and weight loss programs. And, as I know from my subscribers to my "Lose Weight Permanently" program, most of these diets do not even get you to your ideal weight, the weight you'd like to have. And even worse: Even if you got to your ideal weight, your chances to gain it all back again are extremely high. Why is it so hard to create a successful weight loss program for women over 40?

First of all, the metabolism in women over 40 changes. Women in general store fat much easier than men- but after age 40 the changes in the hormone system make it harder and harder to lose weight. This means, a weight loss program should address this specific situation and help women to boost the hormone system in natural, healthy ways.

Second, women over forty tend to be very busy. Exercise plans taking a lot of time tend not to work out. A good program needs to take this into account, and suggest exercises that can be integrated in daily activities. It should help in finding out how you can free some time by re-prioritizing activities too.

Last, the lifestyles of women over 40 tend to be very different. So what is easy to do for one woman might be hard to do for another- and generalized weight loss programs do not take this into account.

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